Removing Pet Stains From Carpet And Upholstery

By | November 26, 2018

Long Beach carpet cleaning experts can help you remove all pet stains and odors from your carpet.Pets are wonderful members of our families that we love immensely from the moment they arrive. Love them as we do, pets accidentally, inadvertently, and sometimes purposefully leave messes in the spaces they occupy. When these messes involve our carpeting and/or upholstery we might spend hours on separate occasions trying to clean them…all to no avail. Pets might not only use our carpets and upholstery as a substitute for a bathroom but their mucous from their noses and mouths can also create stains and odors that are difficult to remove. Even the best behaved pets lie down on carpets and furniture and even go for the occasional car ride. The oils from their bodies as well as their hair both leave behind stains and odors as well.

Cleaning and removing pet stains from carpeting and upholstery can be mind numbingly difficult which only serves to complicate matters. Pet owners needn’t fret however as there are some very specific things they can do to remove foul smelling stains from their homes, cars, and offices.

Know Your Stains: There are many different types of stains, all of them requiring different types of care and techniques. The stains pets bring in from outside, say grass for example, are much easier to clean than those created when your pet relieves him/herself on your carpet or upholstery. Mucous stains are another relatively simple stain to remove; requiring only some warm water, a rag or towel, and perhaps a little soap. Fecal and urine stains/odors however will require you to go the extra mile. For such messes you’ll need potent cleaning solutions such as dish detergents, water, and perhaps even vinegar. Before you start cleaning however be sure you look online to determine whether or not those liquids and mixtures are safe for your brand and color of carpet.

Considering Cleaning Products: When it comes to store bought cleaning solutions the choices are seemingly endless. While this initially might seem like a good thing, the sheer number of choices can make it difficult to ascertain which cleaning solutions are eco-friendly, non-toxic, and which ones are not. If you are an environmentally conscience individual and/or you have children you’ll certainly want to go the safe route here and as pet owners you should avoid old school cleaning chemicals at all costs. You can also opt for natural cleaners like vinegar, lemon and salt, baking soda, and even dish soap instead. These natural solutions work well as stand alone cleaners as well as mixtures. They’re also much more affordable!

Soaking Your Carpets And Upholstery: Some pet stains and odors are downright obstinate and refuse to come up no matter what you do. In these scenarios you have but one option, that option being the soaking of your carpets and upholstery. Utilizing a potent cleaner and odor remover along with water, the solution can be applied heavily to a trouble area and left to sit from minutes to hours. After enough time has passed the sitting solution should be removed by a high powered vacuum or shampooer.

Commercial Grade Equipment: Maintaining the health of your carpets and upholstery and being a pet owner is tough but when you own multiple pets it can be arduous in the best of times. It’s not uncommon for such persons to rent out commercial grade steam cleaners a couple of times a year and give their entire home, office, and car a thorough scrubbing. In many cases owners of multiple pets will simply hand the work off to a professional carpet cleaner. They work fast, are affordable, utilize high quality equipment, and produces wonderful results.

Carpet/Upholstery Repair And Replacement: Left neglected long enough, carpeting and upholstery that are frequented by pets will undoubtedly need to be either repaired or replaced. This is the most frustrating, time consuming, and expensive option so it’s advisable to clean pet messes from carpeting and upholstery as they occur or at least as soon as they are discovered. Routine cleaning either by pet owners or professional carpet cleaners is the best way to avoid having to repair and replace carpet.

For A Free Orange County Carpet Cleaning Estimate Call (714) 296-7645 or Send Us A Message

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